Home Commands Invite Support Server


<> - required argument

[] - optional argument

(All the filters require the manage messages permission,)


>addFilter <word> - adds a filter

>removeFilter <word> - removes a current filter

>wordFilterList - shows the current list of filtered words

>addInvertFilter <channel> - adds an invert filter to a channel

>removeInvertFilter <#channel> - removes an invert filter

>wordInvertFilterList - shows the current list of words with an invert filter

>bad_words - enables or disables a generic bad word filter

>ghost_pings - enables or disables a ghost ping tracking feature

Disabling Filters

>disableChannel <#channel> - disables a channel from all the filters

>enableChannel <#channel> - enables a channel for filtering

>disabledChannelsList - shows a list of disabled channels for filtering

>disableRole <role> - disables a role from all the filters (meant for moderators)

>enableRole <role> - enables a role for filtering

>disabledRolesList - shows a list of disabled roles for filtering


>invite - shows an invite link, so you can invite the bot

>ping - shows latency of the bot

>changePrefix <new_prefix> - changes the prefix of the bot